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If you have an incorporated business of just one or two employees or perhaps you are self employed within an incorporated company, a health spending account may be an appropriate alternative to a traditional health plan.


Health spending accounts offer the following advantages over a traditional health and dental plan:


  • No premiums or annual fees for either employer or member

  • Allows businesses to use company dollars to reimburse employees for their medical expenses

  • There are no medicals so even those with pre-existing conditions will have coverage

  • 100% tax deductible to your business

  • 100% tax free to the employees

  • Freedom of coverage as employers only pay for what employees use and employees can decide how they spend their account dollars so there is no waste

  • Employer determines the health spending limits


Diverse Private Health Services takes all the guess work out of the plan administration. You as the employer can be as hands on or off on these plans as you would like. We will also hold education sessions with you and your employees to answer any questions.



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